Advancement of knowledge/evolution of psychomotricity practices
A unique international event in psychomotricity
OIPR’s mission is to promote psychomotricity as a discipline and profession, particularly by way of continuing education.
The Summer School is a high point for psychomotricians to access the most up-to-date knowledge and techniques applied in the field.
This is an opportunity to enrich our field of references to in turn improve our professional activity.
By participating in this international event unique in its kind bringing together more than
150 people from around the world, you will be able to feel the pulse of the ever-changing professional environment.
By participating in this international event unique in its kind bringing together more than 150 people from around the world, you will be able to feel the pulse of the ever-changing professional environment.
Psychomotricity, by definition, is adaptive, be it to adapt to a patient or developing new approaches to new pathologies. However, in this “society of algorithms”, logic seems to dominate, guiding our actions by set procedures and organization, anticipating our needs and responding to our wishes.
The human brain does not function by algorithm. Via specialized circuits, the nervous system combines information that is sorted, accepted or rejected, thanks, particularly, to inhibition.
Compensation and recovery then interact with anticipation and adaptation.
It is at the physical level that essential homeostasis comes in to play as necessary to the adjustments by emotional regulation. This is how psychomotor functions, slowly woven during neuromotor development, enable adaptations to daily life which is more and more steered by mathematic formulas.
It is up to each psychomotrician to constantly delve into the opportunities made available by new technologies, to enrich their knowledge thanks to scientific discoveries, specifically in the perspectives opened in neurosciences, or furthermore to take into account the evolution of our lifestyles and the impact on the development of pathologies or disorders on healthy subjects, or those already presenting symptoms of problems or fragilities.
The world in which we live is rapidly changing, generating a feeling of instability for some, but at the same time opening many therapeutic opportunities. Inevitably the scope of the psychomotrician’s exercise broadens with the appearance or worsening of disorders, and each professional must rise to the challenges of public health (broad spectrum autism, psychological traumatisms, psycho-social risks, etc.).
In return, advances made in the field of medical imagery allow for a better comprehension of the brain. These contributions are crucial for psychomotricians, who, in turn, must take avail of these new resources to better understand the pathologies and behaviors of their patients to better adapt their therapeutic action.
The emergence of new technologies in the field of rehabilitation, and in general of e-health, paves the way to making up a new set of therapeutic tools and course of action.
Psychomotricians must not only keep abreast of new innovations and evolutions, they must also understand how their daily practical work will be impacted. Thus, each psychomotrian must “reinvent” him/herself, be it their thoughts, reasoning, therapeutic approach, etc.
The program of the international colloquium/38th edition of the OIPR Summer school will put a particular focus on several of these important challenges: neurodevelopmental disorders, psycho-traumatisms, and neurodegenerative pathologies, all of which are factors of fragility that diminish autonomy.
Psychomotricity, first-line non-medication therapy to treat lifestyle diseases, aims to consolidate the ability to express oneself and the ability to adapt. The psychomotrician, being aware of the importance of emotional balance, and far from being locked into rigid logic, is open to nuanced solutions which bring together the disciplined reasoning of algorithms and the outpouring of the body’s creative experience.
The colloquium’s program therefore brings together a variety of elements helping participants to update their knowledge of the latest international breakthroughs, and to enrich themselves not only in the understanding of the world in which we live, but also in clinical and therapeutic approaches.
L’Organisation Internationale de Psychomotricité et de Relaxation est née en 1979 d’une réflexion menée à l’Institut Supérieur de Rééducation Psychomotrice pour divulguer l’École Française de Psychomotricité. Via ses 18 Délégations Nationales elle est présente aux Amériques, en Asie, en Europe et au Moyen-Orient.
Since 1982, several training courses have been developed:
The “Certificat International en Sciences et Technologies du Corps » (CIST)
The « Master Internacional en Psicomotricidad » (MIP)