Social insurance and complementary health insurance

When you are admitted at ISRP, you will be covered by the national security system in France. It is free and mandatory for all students in France, whether French or international. For international students, please register at this website :

The social security covers only part of your medical expenses. Thus, you can enroll in a supplemental health plan (general or student mutual insurer, insurance company) to obtain better reimbursements.


The Student Union is composed of volunteer students. It is divided in different poles : presidence, treasury, secretary, events, partnerships, student’s life, communication…The aim of the Student Union is to animate ISRP’s student life, by organizing different events during the schoolyear (orientation week-end, thematic events, student parties, extracurricular activities, sports events, annual gala…).

The Union ensures a communication between the School administration and the students, and between the students.


ISRP students can benefit from the different services offered by the CROUS (Regional Centre for School and University Life):

· University restaurants and cantines (R.U.)

· Housing service

· University residences

Students can also have access to some helps from the French government.

Among this helps, we can cite “VISALE” (Visa pour le Logement et l’Emploi), a solution to the problem of student security deposits when renting a room or an apartment. Students can find housing more quickly and property owners are assured that rent will be paid

CROUS has signed an agreement with VISALE: international students may use it as their security deposit when renting a room in a student residence managed by CROUS.


When you study psychomotor therapy, practicing a physical activity is fundamental. The Sports Office (BDS) is developing sport and cultural activities at ISRP.

During the schoolyear, different activities are organized for the students:

· Sport : volleyball, swimming, yoga, danse…

· Cultural activities : movies, drama, meeting and conferences…


During their studies, all ISRP students must participate in a project that will contribute to the development and recognition of psychomotor therapy in France and abroad called « PEA » (Projets Extra-Académiques). These projects aim at developing teamwork and the ability to carry on different steps of a project (goals, resources, evaluation). “PEA” are also a good opportunity to implement actions that will allow students to show the creativity and dedication to their future occupation.